Wednesday, March 2, 2011



Why are these people getting grant money to fix the majority of their clients who are abusive drug addicted, criminal, violent fathers pushed down the throats of their victims—the children and their mothers?


WHERE IS KANSAS MOTHERHOOD INITATIVES? It sure as hell is not SRS or welfare—DADDY’s have the Market on this—from SRS, all it’s sub contractors, to head start programs other local blood sucking agencies like KCSL (just jumping aboard the gravy train as well)

Why not assist the one who is ALREADY DOING THE JOB—the MOTHER vs. trying to ‘fix’ the low life killing bastards. THIS IS NOT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF CHILDREN

It is the BEST INTEREST of the following agencies that get Federal and State Funding to make their own personal living. It Has nothing to do with parents its monetary—it’s ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!


Fatherless America? Yes indeed!
 Fatherless Children Series - Biographies of Fatherlessness - Debunking the political rhetoric decrying fatherlessness - Stories, research, and studies of children who grew up in father absent homes. 




THE REALITY—non successful – and DEAD – results of forced FATHERS-- (It doesn’t work- You can NOT REBUILD him—but the profiteers continue to line their pockets)

Dastardly: 175 Killer Dads with custody or shared parenting rights, or child custody or support cases

Just a tally of some fathers responsible for child deaths in situations involving custodial fathers, or child custody, visitation, and/or child support legal issues. Most are recent, but some stretch back a few years, as the wheels of justice turn so slow.



KANSAS SOCIAL REHABILITATION SERVICES (the rehab –part, should be your 1st clue)

Download the entire pdf file here:

Page 31-38


The Kansas Court Improvement Program

Child Welfare Initiative Agreement

  • Program Initiatives
    • Community Services Grants
    • Fatherhood Initiatives
    • Faith‐based Initiatives

CFS had a representative on the Fatherhood Coalition during FY 2010. Members include professionals from other divisions and agencies in addition to fathers. Much of the work in 2010 was developing a strategic plan for the future direction of the group. The mission is to “promote healthy fatherhood in the lives of children” and the vision is “fathers in Kansas communities engage in healthy and positive relationships with children.” Guiding Principles include:

1. Fatherhood is both a responsibility and a privilege. (Yes if you’re an asshole stay the fuck out the life of the MOTHER of the child and the child’s life— If you’re NOT an ASSHOLE- You DO NOT NEED THESES FINANCIAL INCENTIVES- Good fathers are inherently good—You can NOT FIX ‘bad dad’.)

2. All children and their fathers should have the opportunity to know and be a part of each other’s lives. (by who’s standards? BAD DADs—OMFG! Oh wait those who GET PAID to SAY THIS)

3. Kansas communities have the responsibility to acknowledge the importance of fatherhood and take steps to be more “Father Friendly.” (WTF about being MOTHER FRIENDLY?  - MOTHERS ARE the source of all life - it is NOT BAD to be a SINGLE MOM—it’s not a disease it is not a plague IT IS MOTHER NATURE---so now we are going to force entire communities to drink the KOOL-AIDE of ‘insanity”—are you going to pay them too?- answer is –yes)

4. Healthy father involvement increases kids’ chances for success in life and has a “positive impact” on future generations. ( here we go with more bullshit and unfounded research- see Fatherless Children SUCCESS stories—see FORCED father interactions failures)

5. All fathers deserve support to strengthen their role in their child’s life. ( oh come the fuck on- you have got to be kidding me—They DESERVE it all- fuck the mothers)

6. All families deserve respect regardless of culture and circumstances. (sure toss a little bullshit on it)

7. The Kansas Fatherhood Coalition has a responsibility with respect to promoting fatherhood awareness and involvement. (Responsibility? The Government? The Kansas Government is to ‘policy’ in MAKING a GOOD dad? – this is our tax dollars—Fathers should NOT BE LEGISLATED and policied and the below entities sure as hell should NOT be getting KANSAS TAX PAYERS DOLLARS to legislate –the making of a failed  WE CAN REBUILD HIM (and make a lot of money for our selves in the process) and CREATE a ‘good dad’.)

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The Coalition members divided into 4 subgroups to look at grassroots efforts, awareness, resources, and collaboration. The 2010 Fatherhood Summit has not yet been scheduled, and the Coalition is looking for opportunities to join with another parent group to organize and sponsor the event.

Members of the Kansas Fatherhood Coalition represent SRS, KDHE, JJA, Head Start, Health Care, University of Kansas, Kansas Parent Information Resource Center, and National Center on Fathering.

The CWCMPS have all focused on promoting father involvement. They have each developed tools to assure that fathers are engaged in their children’s lives.

· DCCCA uses a tool called DADI (Detectional Assessment of Dad’s Involvement) to remind workers to ask questions about the father’s location and his involvement with the child prior to the initiation of services. It is a required form that is used on all families as part of the initial assessment process.

· KVC Behavioral Health, Inc. (KVC) uses a series of forms that asks questions of parents, and the tool is required to be completed on each parent. The Worker/Parent Case Log forms leads staff through a series of questions to assess and identify the location of each parent, what tasks they are working on, barriers to accomplishment, interactions with the child, identification of relatives, and things the worker can do to assist the parent. The Parent/Guardian Pre‐Case Inventory form gathers demographic information on each parent and documents items such as tribal affiliations, cultural considerations, race, ethnicity and marital status. KVC also gathers genogram information on each parent.

· St. Francis Community Services (SFCS) uses a series of forms to assure staff are gathering information about fathers and engaging them in services. The paternal relative sheet collects information about all of the father’s relatives. The Child and Family Profile Form includes demographic information on all caregivers, and also identifies where the information originated, history, reason for referral, and the format for the family assessment. The Assessment Protocol is a key to the family assessment which is required for all children and families referred, and it is updated at a minimum of every 6 months. The Initial Family/Team Meeting and Plan forms remind staff to gather information on all caregivers, including fathers. It has questions that explore the relationships that caregivers have with the children, what needs to change, and how the worker can be helpful in making those changes. It also identifies relative and kinship resources for placement.

· The Farm, Inc. (TFI) uses a Relative/Kinship Information form to list names of relatives and dates of contact made with them. If contact is not made with a relative/kin, an explanation must be provided. They also have a Due Diligence Report that documents efforts made to contact absent parents. TFI’s practice guide for engaging fathers clearly requires staff to have both the mother and the father at the initial team meeting, visits, case plans, worker/parent contacts, courts and events/appointments. The form gives staff helpful hints for engaging fathers.

·  Youthville (YV) uses include the practice notes on Contacts (for worker/child, worker/parent and worker/family), practice notes on due diligence to locate absent parents, and the Temporary Custody Packet Acknowledgement. These tools require staff to have regular contact with both parents and provide helpful information on how to look for parents if they are not available. YV uses a Permanency Program Record Review that asks specific questions about the father’s involvement in the child’s life. Youthville also has a Dads Dare to Care (DDTC) program. The fathers completed the policy and procedure manual and are working on a training curriculum for their mentors involved in the program. The DDTC program will help navigate fathers through the child welfare system by connecting them with a mentor.

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· KCSL is providing training and technical assistance for a fatherhood grant through Circle of Parents in Kansas. The grant is funded through Responsible Fatherhood Flow‐through Funding from the US Dept. of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families. The first year of funding was for projects in Kansas City and Rice County, and this second year of funding is in Douglas and Rice counties. The project targets fathers of children who are pre‐natal (OMFG) to age one and in home visitation programs. (Who needs a mom after all? Hell teach fathers to grow a child- again, that's what fatherhood is- a mans right to OWN and CONTROL his PROPERTY)They are also creating cultural change through training with practitioners by providing information on how agencies can work with fathers and implement father friendly practices.

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